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Del Adey-Jones

Relationship Mastery

Learning how to create healthy relationships is one of the most important skills you can learn - it will impact and empower every area of your life.


And that journey begins with the most important relationship – the one you have with yourself. 

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Hi, I'm Del Adey-Jones, and I am a 3 Principles Practitioner and Relationship Mastery Coach, specializing in the area of  Codependency, Narcissistic Abuse, and Unhealed Childhood Trauma.


I work with people who are successful in their careers but struggle when it comes to their relationships. They long for healthy, loving, and respectful relationships but struggle with the after-effects of a Dysfunctional Childhood, Codependency, and Narcissistic Abuse.

I teach a unique blend of Spiritual Psychology that helps people gain clarity, confidence, and self-awareness, so they are free to create the happy, healthy, and loving relationships they desire. 


Sign-up for your FREE PDF Chapter - A Spiritual Solution to Low Self-Esteem - My Gift to you - Enjoy!

Sign up for a FREE PDF copy of my chapter that appears in A Spiritual Solution to Low Self-Esteem, from the Amazon best-selling book, Complete Self-Care… 25 Tools for Goddesses.



Del Adey Jones lived through decades of codependency and unhealthy narcissistic relationships. She now teaches others how to find the way out of codependency and narcissistic abuse. 

Del is a 3 Principles Practitioner, Soul-Centered Coach & Mentor. She has a Master's Degree in Spiritual Psychology and has trained at the Debbie Ford Institute - with training in Transformational Coaching & Relationship and Divorce Coaching. 

Thanks to her unconventional childhood and personal challenges including divorce and raising children as a single parent, her work is informed by her real-life experience and deeper studies of Spirituality and Psychology. 


Using her down-to-earth, relatable approach to coaching and her commitment to creating a safe space to explore the Inside Out Understanding, she serves a wide range of clients worldwide.   READ MORE...

Relationship Mastery Podcast

Welcome to Relationship Mastery! We are relationship coaches, Del Adey-Jones and Barry Selby, and together we share our insights, experience, and expertise, as you navigate the beautiful and complicated world of relationships.


We cover it all - from romantic relationships, parental, siblings, friends, co-workers - and most important of all - the relationship you have with yourself. 


Join us as we dive deep into how you can finally say goodbye to co-dependency and narcissistic abuse and transform the way you interact with people and find authentic love.


With every episode, our mission is to empower and give you hope that relationships can actually be joyful.  

If you'd like us to address a specific topic please let us know here. and we'll be happy to include your topic in a future episode.


Watch & Listen - CLICK HERE


Del Adey-Jones

Insightful Conversations

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